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Cloud hosting vs Shared hosting in 2023: who is best & why?

When it comes to choosing a hosting for our website, you must be thinking about which one to choose because the battle between cloud hosting vs shared hosting is forever. Both have their pros and cons which we’ll be discussing here.


We are accustomed to seeing the word “cloud” appended to virtually every technical term being used today. While those who are tech-savvy generally understand what “the cloud” is, not everyone is familiar with all of its possibilities.


So, before you continue reading about Cloud hosting vs shared hosting, let’s define the difference between cloud hosting and shared hosting. Cloud hosting allows you to host your website on multiple synced servers that share resources. On the other hand multiple websites on a single server share resources in shared hosting.


Cloud hosting, for example, is more than just shared website hosting with a cloud badge slapped on top. When compared to more traditional forms of shared hosting, cloud hosting is in a class of its own, with many distinct advantages that justify its existence.


Cloud hosting vs Shared hosting :

Let’s know about the cloud hosting first-


  • Cloud hosting benefits and details

The cloud is the strategic element of cloud hosting at its most basic level. There are no prizes for that. Cloud hosting, like cloud computing, gets its name from the fact that it draws computing power from “the cloud,” which is a collection of dynamically allocated resources distributed across a large physical network of components, rather than a fixed set of hardware.

In theory, cloud hosting is infinitely scalable as it allows an infinite number of servers to effectively function as one system. Various simultaneous machines are grouped together and introduced to the app or website as one machine using virtualization.

Many of the advantages of cloud hosting are similar to those of other cloud-based solutions, such as higher reliability as well as redundancy, better performance, and on-demand flexibility. All of these are especially well suited to websites or apps, where a major product launch or the unexpected effectiveness of a viral video can send swarms of potential customers to a website in a short amount of time.

Whereas traditional hosting may fail due to an increase in workload (depending on the number of resources permanently assigned to the site, of course), cloud hosting allows the website’s resources to automatically scale up to handle the demand. This indicates that your website will always be prepared to deal with the unexpected.

Cloud technology is not a one-size-fits-all answer; what works for you is entirely up to you.

The redistribution of resources also contributes to the redundancy of the website. When your website is hosted on multiple servers rather than just one, the breakdown of one server does not lead to the loss of your site. Any slack left by a crashed server is instantaneously picked up by the cloud’s other servers. If those servers are having trouble, additional servers are autonomously brought online to help. Finally, cloud hosting is intended to provide the promised quality of service that your web application requires.


Cloud hosting = dedicated (virtual) servers

Are you looking for a reliable way to increase the performance of your website? Look no further than cloud hosting – it offers a significant boost in performance compared to shared hosting, so you can trust it to meet all your needs!


In the battle of Cloud hosting vs shared hosting in terms of tech, Cloud hosting ensures all resources are dedicated to a single user, with processors, RAM, and SSD storage providing the same level of performance as a dedicated server. This ensures optimal performance levels for WordPress blogs or Drupal sites, with increased server resources available to accommodate higher levels of visitors.


It’s like one big control panel for managing your website, but with more flexibility. You can use SFTP to manage files, install and update apps like WordPress, run databases, set up DNS and edit source code. Cloud hosting is like shared hosting where you manage everything from one place – but it’s extra impressive because it acts like it’s running on only one server, even though it’s actually running across multiple servers in all sorts of places. Ain’t technology grand!


Cloud hosting offers a unique solution for users who require the increased performance of a dedicated server, without needing to manage the server themselves. This provides the advantages of a ‘dedicated hosting’ option, with the added benefit of the ability to scale resources on demand in order to guarantee peak performance.

  • Shared hosting benefits and details

In contrast, shared hosting is a website hosting solution in which every customer receives a percentage of the exact same hardware to run their app or website. Because the provider houses lots of customers on a single server, shared hosting is usually the most cost-effective way to bring a project online.


While shared hosting is ideal as a low-cost launch pad for less demanding tasks, it is not without limitations. Individual users cannot rely on a promised rate of server performance when multiple customers share a single set of physical hardware.


This may not be a problem for sites and applications with low requirements or a low number of visitors, however, when it comes to executing intensive, business-critical operations, many users discover that shared hosting is inadequate.

A contentious issue with shared hosting

Why is shared hosting unsuitable for demanding applications? In a nutshell: conflict. The full potential of the hardware will perpetually be pulled in multiple directions at the same time, with various websites and applications constantly competing for processing power.


Assume one client on a shared server experiences a sudden surge in traffic. Fortunately, other websites on the very same server are completely silent, so some assets can be assigned to deal with the increased traffic. But what tends to happen if several websites become popular at the same time?


Because the server has a limited number of resources to distribute, intensive apps will frequently have difficulty obtaining what they require. The end result is inconsistency in performance, slow loading times, and poor user experience. This is a serious shortcoming if your website is really a main source of revenue or leads.


Even in elevated environments, shared hosting can use sophisticated technology to provide acceptable performance, at least for sites with low or moderate requirements. But the fact remains that without a dedicated platform, demanding sites can never get reliable, consistent high performance.


Make your decision

The best hosting service to use depends on the specific needs and goals of the user. Cloud hosting and shared hosting both offer their own benefits and drawbacks, so it is important to consider the user’s requirements before making a decision.


Cloud hosting sure does sound like a great option! Not only does it come with plenty of advantages, but it’s also becoming quite popular nowadays. Just keep in mind, though, that these advantages come with a bit of a higher price tag than shared hosting plans.


When deciding on a hosting option for an online presence, the cost may not be the most important factor. For certain organizations where website reliability and scalability are essential, cloud hosting has become the standard choice. If a website is a major sales channel, cloud hosting can be a beneficial option.


If you are just beginning to build a website and need a basic and cost-effective option with enough features to get started, then shared web hosting is a good option. For organizations with low and reliable website traffic and no need to sell anything online, shared hosting likely provides enough features at an affordable price.


Now that the majors of Cloud hosting vs shared hosting is clear to you, you can easily decide what you choose to go with for your website.